Wednesday, November 25, 2009

what is it with teenagers today?

I'm so angry I could spit. It starts yesterday when I'm doing laundry and I notice ink on my sons school shirt. It doesn't come out and it's right in front. This is part of a school uniform I might add that costs 25 dollars a shirt and which he must wear every school day.
So I say to him, "Could you be more careful with ink around your white school shirt, the ink doesn't come out you know."
"I told him not to do it, " he replies.
What? A kid at school did this and he allowed him to mark his shirt? I told him I'd send a bill to school that this 'friend' can deliver to his mother and see if they will pay for a new shirt.
So that was the first incident, the second is just an illustration of the stupidity of youth. I ordered pictures from his school and he deigned to give them to me this morning. I had bought a collage which is 5 different poses and sizes on one paper in colour and black and white which is framable, and another of magnets for the fridge to give away to far away Aunts and Uncles enclosed in Christmas cards.
I got the pictures but the collage was damaged. It had one corner (picture) cut out of it! I said, "What did you do?". I was so angry, I told him his allowance was paying for another one. It even said on the flap of the envelope that contained the pictures: "WAIT! Please do not open this envelope until you are home and can share your portraits with your family." Obviously, he didn't see that warning. So I'm ordering another one at vast expense, which he will pay for, maybe he'll think before he does something idiotic? Is that too much to ask?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

first day of CEGEP for the middle son

He started school yesterday and I was a little worried because of his state of mind vis-a-vis his break-up.  He seems to be doing  well.  He made it to both his classes yesterday.  His busiest day of the week is Wednesday in which he has 4 classes.  It also happens to be his 17th birthday.
He was looking up online ratings of his teachers and it seems his English teacher prefers girls over boys and does not like original thinkers.  I don't think I like this rating stuff because I think he has given up before he even began. I wanted to try and make him see his English teacher as a challenge. I did see him doing homework yesterday which is a good thing.
On the other hand we got a notice about the start of class and uniforms from my youngest  (12) son's new high school. It is quite good for a laugh, thinking up what must of brought about these clarifications, for example:  White polo or dress shirt with school crest are permitted.  Only solid coloured undershirts are permitted under the white school shirt.  (NO t-shirts with logos) No layering .
There must of been some kids who went all out with the coloured undershirts.  
The other interesting idea are the teachers going around measuring headbands which are only allowed to be 2 inches in width. 

Friday, August 21, 2009

property values

It's amazing how one day makes such a big difference.  Yesterday I was upset over my son's heartbreak, and today I'm more stoic.

We went for a walk as usual with the dog yesterday evening and happened by a duplex we always pass and suddenly it had a 'for sale' sign in front of it.  I commented to Cameron, "Now we know why all that work was being done."   I hear a voice and turn around and a lady is taking a picture of the place.  It turns out to be the real estate agent  and we have a conversation, the gist of which is that the place had been totally renovated, and she had 3 inquiries on the first full day of it being on the market.  They are asking $385,000.  It is renovated, but they only did the inside, the windows are not new and there is not an apartment in the basement.  We only paid $112,000 for our place 9 years ago.  Financially things are looking up!  It was very good news.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Well, here I am blogging like an idiot.  I feel like I'm talking to myself.  My middle son broke up with his girlfriend and I'm upset about it because he googled "how to cut yourself".  I went on the computer today and he had left his facebook page open and I read that he had done it and told his Mom that e hadn't to his ex-girlfriend.  I know at 17 years  guys need and want privacy, but I feel I can help at least with some referrals to people that can help with depression.  
I remember feeling that my life was over because some guy broke off with me.  Life goes on.  It would have helped if she hadn't hooked up with a friend of his.