Friday, August 21, 2009

property values

It's amazing how one day makes such a big difference.  Yesterday I was upset over my son's heartbreak, and today I'm more stoic.

We went for a walk as usual with the dog yesterday evening and happened by a duplex we always pass and suddenly it had a 'for sale' sign in front of it.  I commented to Cameron, "Now we know why all that work was being done."   I hear a voice and turn around and a lady is taking a picture of the place.  It turns out to be the real estate agent  and we have a conversation, the gist of which is that the place had been totally renovated, and she had 3 inquiries on the first full day of it being on the market.  They are asking $385,000.  It is renovated, but they only did the inside, the windows are not new and there is not an apartment in the basement.  We only paid $112,000 for our place 9 years ago.  Financially things are looking up!  It was very good news.

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